The World Combat Games, an international multi-sport festival that brought together ancient traditions, exciting competitions, and sport demonstrations, featured 16 combat sports and martial arts competitions, sports demonstrations, and educational conferences hosted by leading martial arts experts.
The event spanned 11 days, from October 20th to October 30th, 2023, offering a comprehensive and immersive experience.
We implemented events Staffing Plans and contingency plans we establish to ensure seamless execution and handling of the event and guests Diligent training of all staff on protocols and guest
handling taking into consideration the scale and stature of the event and guests.
Total Staff Deployed: A dedicated team of 260 staff played pivotal roles in ensuring the success of the World Combat Games.
World Martial Arts Gala: The event reached a historic milestone by hosting the first-ever World Martial Arts Gala, honoring legends of martial arts and combat sports, adding a special touch to the overall experience.
Diverse Positions: Staff encompassed various roles, including Airport Hosts/Hostesses, Athlete Navigators, Ceremony Usher, Crowd Management, Fanzone + PSA Ushers, Field Of Play Ushers, Hotel Hosts/Hostesses, VIP Hosts/Hostesses, and Site Managers.
Location: Set in the prestigious King Saud University in Riyadh, the event provided a fitting backdrop for the international multi-sport festival.
Oct 20, 2023 - Oct 30, 2023